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3 thoughts on “FALE CONOSCO

  1. Olá, bom dia!

    Sou a Roberta da 2T-Digital.

    E estou tentando contato por telefone, mas sem sucesso.

    Enviei um artigo para analise no email e até o momento não recebi nenhum retorno.

    Teria como verificar se caiu na caixa de spam?

    Aguardo 😉

  2. Bom dia,
    Sou mãe de um menino de 19 anos (autista) joga fortinite a pelo menos 6 anos…e ele é bom
    Preciso ajuda-lo/orienta-lo a se profissionalizar, fazer algum curso para fazer parte de alguma equipe, mas eu nao tenho idéia de como fazer isso… por favor, me ajude a orienta-lo melhor.

  3. Dear,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I am reaching out to explore a potential guest posting partnership between our companies. After reviewing your website, it’s clear that there is a strong alignment between our audiences, particularly in terms of high-quality Do-Follow Editorial Links.

    We are interested in creating a mutually beneficial, long-term collaboration that will add value for both our clients and enhance the strength of our platforms. To start, we would like to discuss the possibility of discounted rates that would benefit both parties and provide additional value.

    Could you please share your guest post guidelines and terms? Understanding these details will help us tailor our approach to fit your requirements and ensure a smooth collaboration.

    Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss how we can work together effectively.

    Best regards,

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